
Fall/Winter Playlist

Fall/Winter Playlist

Ok soooo, not sure if any of you can relate but I have an intense response to music. It feeds my mood, my energy, my entire well-being to an extent. Dramatic? Never. Here’s the deal. I have so many playlists for different types of vibes and I know that sometimes it can be difficult to find the right jams that flow together to open the heavens above! So, today, my friends, I’m sharing a masterpiece! Jk. Like seriously, jk. It’s not that great of a playlist but it definitely has some good hits in there to spark some type of mood for you.

These songs are my go-to’s for the fall/winter seasons. That is up until Christmas, cause we all know what’s gonna be blasting then! It has all the cozy, more mellow but still energized tunes you need to help you when the sun decides not to show it’s beautiful rays (or still when it does) this time of year. It’s a mix of a lot of different stuff so love it or use it as inspo to make your own!

Obviously there will be more added so follow along if you like! That’s all, keeping this one short and sweet!


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