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Spring Swimsuit Round-up

Spring Swimsuit Round-up While winter keeps dragging on here with a fresh foot of snow (thanks, Minnesota), I am definitely looking forward to a warm getaway come spring break. Does anyone else have some warm…

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Keeping the New Year New Me Mindset

How to Keep the New Year New Me Mindset Ah, the good old, “new year, new me” mantra. It’s a mantra everyone knows but one that hibernates 11 months out of the year and when…

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Fall Recipe: Cauliflower Chowder

Fall Friday’s: Fall Recipe- Gluten Free Cauliflower Chowder Ask and you shall receive- you all voted on Instagram last week for what you wanted to see for a fall inspired post…and the winner is…? Fall…

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6 Budget Friendly Fall Lip Colors

Fall Friday: 6 budget-friendly fall lip colors | Peony | I’ve been trying something new lately in order to try to spice up my fall a little more. I’m usually not a lipstick kinda girl but I…

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Fall Wardrobe Staples

Fall is coming and I have to say I am quite excited! I have had so much fun putting together my fall wardrobe. It is a mix of unpacking old gems that never go out…

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