
The Ultimate Gift Guide For the Girl in Her 20’s

Gift Guide for Girl's in their 20's

CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!!! Ok ok, I’ll calm down. But honestly guys, don’t push it off, it will come sooner than you know and you want to be prepared to exchange those gifts. Hopefully, my gift guides will be of use. I did a series of gift guides last year and heard a lot of good things, so hopefully, you will feel the same about what I got in store for you this year!

I like to think of this first gift guide as a bit of my own Christmas wish list. But it is something that will be helpful for anyone whose scouting for a few ideas for that 20-something female in their lives, or a little something for themselves. I made it easy for ya and linked all of the items below, so get shopping and check those items off the list!

1 | Bluetooth headphones

This gift is perfect for anyone who likes listening to music or who is super active. No worries about tangled cords or what type of phone you have, its a one fits all kind of gift.

2 | Stack Rings

These rings allow you to mix and match for various styles and detail. It is a great gift for your best friend or sister.

3 | Candles, Candles, and more candles

I am one of those people who has a candle or three for every season. They smell so good and can change the feel of your entire home. Not to mention that these candles look as good as they smell so once you burn it down it can double as a holder for matches, makeup brushes, etc.

4 | Teddy Coat

This is the coat of the season and perfect for that trendy girl on the go. It is so comfy and comes in many different colors, styles, and price points. Need I say more?

5 | Thermal Sweaters

This thermal trend has come around for the second year and has evolved to leave you with many different options. They are perfect for layering (under a teddy coat, cough* cough*) and very useful in any season.

6 | Perfume

Perfume is always a fun gift and gives you the chance to make it a bit more personalized. Here are a few that I think smell AH-MAZING but you’ll have to smell them for yourself!

7 | Pajama Set

This gift is for those who can appreciate a really nice pajama set. It can make all the difference in a good night’s sleep and offers variety whether you are a burr baby or bunsen burner.

8 | Handbag

As a young adult and a full-time job fast approaching or already post-grad and in the swing of it, a new handbag or workbag is a great idea. These can really get you amped for entering into the workforce and help you feel like you fit in more as a professional.

9 | Initialed Necklace

This gift is really thoughtful and a perfect addition to someone’s everyday wear. A simple and meaningful gift for the jewelry wearing girlfriend in your life.

10 | Heated or Knit Blanket

When you live in the Midwest like me, a throw blanket or electric heated blanket can change the game completely. Not only that but it can add another piece to that bedroom decor and up that cozy vibe.

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